Parish Envelopes
Thank you for all your contributions.
If you are unable to join us at Mass, you can make your contributions by leaving them in the letterbox in the Parish Centre on either Sunday morning or afternoon or on Monday. This is the safest way because the Parish Centre has both an alarm that is always active when there is no-one in the building and CCTV cameras covering all approaches to the Centre, especially the front door. The basket attached to the inside of the letterbox will be regularly checked and all donations will be immediately moved to the safe where they will be kept until they are counted and banked.
Please do not leave any contributions in the Church or in the Priest’s House
We returned to normal collections on Sunday 9th October. This means that collection baskets will be passed along the seats. If anyone would like to serve as a collector, please contact Veronica Baird.
It is important that we get back to normal collections again. Like most parishes we have taken a hit during the Covid emergency. Now our expenditure is exceeding our income. As a parish we will have to take a look at this and find ways of raising more money to meet our costs.
Please write all cheques to Culmaine Parish Church Covenant Account or Culmaine Parish Church Dev. Account.
We ask people to use the different colours of the envelopes as much as possible as these are for different funds. Putting all the money into one envelope means that money has to be allocated only to the fund indicated on the envelope.
If anyone has not got a box of envelopes or is new to the parish, please contact Fr McManus.
All sterling cheques must be made payable to either Culmaine Parish Church Covenant Account or Culmaine Parish Church Development Account.
If you wish to donate to a specific fund such as Trocaire please write the name of the fund on the back of the cheque.
Please make Euro cheques payable to Culmaine Parish Account.
Standing Order Forms
Alternatively, you can arrange a Standing Order with your Bank to transfer money from your account in the Culmaine Parish Church Covenant Account. Copies of this form will be available at the back of both Churches along with the boxes of envelopes. It is also be available to download below;
If you choose this means of contribution, please leave the portion at the top through the letter box at the Parish Centre.
To arrange your standing order using your online banking facility our details are as follows:

GIFT AID: We are about to submit our Gift Aid claim for 2021-22. You may have heard of Gift Aid before but not really understood what it is or how it could benefit you and our parish. Simply put, Gift Aid is a form of tax relief that allows our parish to receive up to 25% more income from a donation made by you. Once a donation has been made, we can then claim back the basic rate of tax from it from the government. The charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that you have given them.Donating through Gift Aid means we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give to our parish. It will not cost you any extra.
If you have not submitted a Gift Aid Form to the Parish and would like to do so, forms are available at on the tables near the doors of the Church. PLEASE TAKE ONE and leave it through the Letter Box of the Parish Office.
You can also download and complete a Gift Aid Form below. If you prefer, you can email your completed form to
Please be assured that there is absolutely no danger regarding confidentiality in regard to your financial and tax affairs. Our parish benefits greatly from gift aid and we are very grateful to all who have submitted a form so far.