The Parish of Culmaine and the Diocese of Clogher follows the procedures laid down the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland.
These can be found here: https://www.safeguarding.ie/index.php/guidance
If you have a child or adult safeguarding concern you should contact one of the following Designated Liaison Persons (DLPs)
Anne Molloy, 10 Dunene Avenue, Kesh Road, Irvinestown, Co Fermanagh.
Tel. 028-68621158; Work: 028-68621133; Mobile: 0044 78 79413855;
Email: amolloy@clogherdiocese.ie
You may also report your concern to
An Garda Siochána
Tel. 01-663430 or 01-663435
Email: gnpsb@garda.ie
Or any station
Police Service of Northern Ireland
Tel 101 or Emergency Number 999.
Or any station
TUSLA, Child and Family Agency
Tel. 047-30473
GATEWAY SERVICES, Northern Ireland
Tel. 028-90507000 (office hours) or 028-90565444 (Emergencies)
Towards Healing
Counselling and Support for Survivors of Abuse
ROI Freephone – 1800 303 416
NI Freephone – 0800 096 3315

We expressed our heartfelt thanks to Roley, Louise, Paula & Veronica for their dedicated service on our Parish Safeguarding team since 2004. They are pictured here with Fr McManus after a special presentation was made to them at a Sunday Mass in St Joseph’s.