Fr Frank McManus PP Tel: 028 686 31315
Parish Office Tel: 028 686 29062
SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL: Helpline no 07864726536
Sunday 12th January 2025
The Baptism of The Lord
Liturgical Year C
If you are remaining at home you can join in at the times outlined below on Livestream or listen on Parish Radio CB Channel 37 if you are local.
ADORATION in Ederney is suspended until Thursday 16th January '25.
MONTIAGH ADORATION will resume on Monday 13th January.
PARISH CALENDARS FOR 2025: Are now available in the Churches.
DEVOTIONS: ROSARY AND DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET: Each evening in St Joseph’s Church, Ederney:
Sunday – Friday at 6:30pm and
on Saturday at 5pm. Everyone is welcome.
Safeguarding: Monday 13th @ 8.00pm
Confirmation Parents: Tuesday 14th @ 7.00pm, School
Parish Liturgy Group: Tuesday 14th @ 8.00pm
Parish Mission Group: Monday 20th @ 8.00pm
Parish Finance Committee: Monday 27th @ 8.00pm
Christian Unity Week: Saturday 18th – Saturday 25th January
Catholic Schools Week: Sunday 19th January
St Brigid’s Day: Saturday 1st February
Day of Prayer for the Sick: Tuesday 11th February
Ash Wednesday: 5th March
GENERAL SECRETARY: IRISH COUNCIL OF CHURCHES: The Irish Council of Churches seeks to recruit a facilitator for the next phase in its work of developing opportunities for the churches in Ireland to work together to provide a Christian voice in society. How to Apply For further details and an application pack visit Application Deadline Friday 17th January 12:00 noon to
Sick Priests Fund £110;
Monthly £925;
Propagation of the Faith £55.
Thank you for all your contributions.
Envelopes and contributions can also be made through the letterbox of the Parish Centre. This is quite safe because the Parish Centre has both an alarm that is always active when there is no-one in the building and CCTV cameras covering all approaches to the Centre, especially the front door. The basket attached inside of the letterbox is regularly checked and all donations are moved to the safe where they are kept until they are counted and banked. Please do not leave any contributions in the Church outside of mass times or in the Priest’s House.
A standing order form can be downloaded below;
GIFT AID: We strongly urge people to use the parish envelopes/standing orders and sign up for Gift Aid. In doing so you will be increasing your contribution by 20% without any extra cost or inconvenience to yourself, or your family or your business. This would be of immense benefit to the parish.
You may have heard of Gift Aid before but not really understood what it is or how it could benefit you or your Parish. Simply put, Gift Aid is a form of tax relief that allows our parish to receive up to 25% more income than a donation made by you. Once a donation has been made, we can then claim back the basic rate of tax from it from the government. The charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that you have given them. Donating through Gift Aid means we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give to our parish. It will not cost you any extra.
If you have not submitted a Gift Aid Form to the Parish and would like to do so, forms are available at on the tables near the doors of the Church. PLEASE TAKE ONE and leave it through the Letter Box of the Parish Office. If you are already on Gift Aid, there is no need to reapply.
You can also download and complete a Gift Aid Form below. If you prefer, you can email your completed form to
Please be assured that there is absolutely no danger regarding confidentiality in regard to your financial and tax affairs. Our parish benefits greatly from gift aid and we are very grateful to all who have submitted a form so far.
SUICIDE: Theology of Suicide Flourish Module which is being delivered at the West End Community Centre, Rossorry Church Road, Enniskillen on 29 January 2025.
AL-ANON offers Family support for those affected by alcoholism. Dry January 2025 Local people, from all backgrounds are being urged to think about drinking and the effects on Families as we approach Dry January 2025. Al-Anon is launching a new campaign ’You are not alone!’ during Dry January 2025 to encourage more people living with problem drinkers to find their local Al-Anon meeting. In Northern Ireland there are 30 Al-Anon groups, and more than 700 Groups throughout the UK and the Republic of Ireland. They provide support to anyone whose life is or has been affected by someone else drinking. A spokesperson said, “Whatever your story, you can expect to be warmly welcomed, and not judged or pressurized in any way. Anything discussed within an Al-Anon meeting is treated as confidential, including your presence at the meeting.’ By attending Al-Anon Family Group meetings, individuals discover that they didn’t cause the problem and cannot control or cure it. They also learn how best to cope with their situation by switching their focus from the alcoholic to themselves. Whatever your relationship with the drinker, whatever your story, Al-Anon can help. We hold regular meetings where members share their own experience of living with alcoholism. Our Information Office, based in Belfast is opened from 10am – 1pm Monday to Friday; contact number 02890682368. All meetings are listed on the website, or you can call our Confidential Helpline on 02890682368 10am – 1pm or 6pm – 10pm daily.
ST MARY’S COLLEGE IRVINESTOWN open evening will be on Wednesday 15th January at 7.30pm. P7 and P6 are invited to attend with their parents/carers. Come along and see what our wonderful school has to offer.
PARENTS WANTED: Recently the diocese and parish were contacted by Vanessa Nelis who is the Western Trust Fostering Recruitment Officer. Vanessa is seeking to highlight the urgent need for new foster carers in the WHSCT area. At the moment there are higher numbers of children coming into care than foster placements that are available - currently there are over 700 children who are looked after in the Western Trust. Find out more at
HSC NI ADOPTION & FOSTER CARE are the largest recruitment service for adopters and foster carers across NI. Call 0800 0720 137 for further information
Save Our Acute Services (SOAS) has devised a roadmap (or plan) to save our South West Acute Hospital. It’s positive and practical. Come along to the launch on Monday 13th January to Fermanagh House at 7PM. Your support is essential.
WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY 18-25 January 2025: The theme this year is “Do you believe this?” reflecting the confession of Martha to Jesus in the Gospel of John, chapter 11. This year also marks the 1700th Anniversary of the Council of Nicaea in 325 which formulated the Nicene Creed we use to profess our faith each Sunday. Today, all Christians are called to renew our belief in God and to encounter God in Jesus, who is our hope, through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.
A Christian Unity Week Service will take place at St Michael’s Church, Enniskillen on Thursday 23rd January at 7.30pm. All are welcome.
JUBILEE YEAR OF HOPE: Pope Francis has declared 2025 to be a Holy or Jubilee Year. A Jubilee Year is one set aside by the Church to encourage us all to embark on pilgrimages, to repent for our sins, to forgive and be reconciled with one another and to renew the spiritual life. The theme for this forthcoming Holy year will be “Pilgrims of Hope”, thus bringing to the fore the journey of life that we are all on and our need to be people of hope, a hope rooted in the person of Jesus Christ.
CLOGHER DON OIGE YOUNG ADULT JUBILEE PILGRIMAGE TO ROME 26 July - 5 August 2025: A limited number of places available for a 10-day pilgrimage to Rome for the Jubilee Year, open to young adults (18-30) a full pilgrimage programme including events with Pope Francis. Join over 1.5 million young people from across the world who are expected during these days to come together to celebrate their faith. More details at or email
JUBILEE PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND ASSISI - QUB Alumni and Friends: The Catholic Chaplaincy at Queen’s University Belfast will lead a Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi for alumni and friends.* Departing 25 August 2025 for 7 nights, staying in excellent hotels in Rome and Assisi, this promises to be a once-in-a-lifetime trip. Every quarter century, the Holy Father invites the faithful from across the world to make pilgrimage to the Eternal City and to avail of the special graces associated with the ancient custom. The Pilgrimage’s Spiritual Director will be Queen’s Chaplain, Fr Dominic McGrattan, with dedicated tour guide, private coach travel and group meals included. In addition to a rich itinerary which takes in visits to the principal sacred and cultural sites, we will also observe the customs associated with this Year of Jubilee declared by Pope Francis. If you would like to know more information including price, itinerary and how to book, please email Chaplaincy Director, Shannon Campbell, at *We expect most families have an association with Queen’s. Perhaps you or a loved one studied or worked at the University and have benefited from the faith and pastoral supports we provide. Know that we consider you friends.
COELIACS ARE WELCOME: Gluten Free Hosts are available. Please let the sacristans or Fr McManus know in advance
LOST & FOUND: A pair of earrings have been found in St Joseph’s Church. Please contact the sacristan or Fr McManus.
ROSARY BEADS FOUND: Rosary Beads were found on a grave in Edenclaw Cemetery. The owner can claim them in the sacristy after masses or by contacting Fr McManus.
BAPTISMS: Because Fr McManus now has commitments in Belleek & Garrison it will only be possible to have baptisms in Ederney on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. We will also be returning to having more than one family for baptism ceremonies. Also at least one weeks’ notice is required when booking a baptism.
EDERNEY GAA: Tonight’s Lotto jackpot is £10,800.
The lights will be switched on at Ederney GAA grounds on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7pm- 8:30pm for walks all welcome
ANAM CARA, is an organization that supports bereaved parents. Events are free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or how recent their death was. We also offer an online support group meeting. To find out more call 01 4045378 or email
BE ALERT: There continues to be fraudulent scams and alerts via telephone calls, emails etc. Please continue to be aware and cautious of any unexpected activity or communication to you and to your vulnerable family members
Forget Me Not - Bereaved by Suicide Support Group meets on the first Monday of the month @ 7.30pm. For further information contact 0283 325811. Mindfulness Meditation drop-in sessions, last Tues of the month @ 7pm
Prayers and Reflections based on "the Human and the Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus Christ” are available on
GENERAL SECRETARY: IRISH COUNCIL OF CHURCHES: The Irish Council of Churches seeks to recruit a facilitator for the next phase in its work of developing opportunities for the churches in Ireland to work together to provide a Christian voice in society. How to Apply For further details and an application pack visit Application Deadline Friday 17th January 12:00 noon to
NI CANCER PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES. Sat 10th May to Thurs 15th May 2025. The price of £859 (with price reduction for Cancer Patients) includes: Return flights from Belfast International Airport, operated by Northern Star Travel Ltd and facilitated by Joe Walsh Tours. Full board and accommodation at the Hotel Agena in Lourdes for five nights based on twin/double/triple rooms. The party will consist of patients, ex-patients, relatives and friends accompanied by medical, nursing and other staff. To enquire or to obtain a booking form please contact:- Mrs. Jean Clarke, Hon. Secretary, NI Cancer Pilgrimage, 67 Ballynahinch Road, Carryduff, Belfast, BT8 8DL, or speak to us on Tel. 078746 88388, or e-mail at:-
Enniskillen Parish Lending Library: Enniskillen Parish are pleased to announce their Parish Library is now up and running. So far, parishioners and visitors have been delighted to see such a wide variety of books available to borrow or to read in the Library along with a welcome cup of tea or coffee.
This resource is open to all Parishes in the area. The Lending Library is located above the Parish Shop in Hall’s Lane, Enniskillen and is open Mon - Sat 10.30am — 1.30pm. There are also copies of books available for borrowing at the back of St. Michael’s Church. Everyone is welcome!
ACCORD: If you feel your relationship is in crisis or need a little guidance and feel that you and your partner could benefit from Counselling either face to face or online call us on 02890233002
DIOCESE JUSTICE, PEACE, AND INTEGRITY OF CREATION GROUP: New Members Wanted - An appeal to parishioners in the Diocese of Clogher. If you are interested, please call 077 54494425 (Fr Joe) or contact your Parish Priest.
CONNECT FERMANAGH: Don’t feel alone we are here to talk. Phone Connect Fermanagh and we can provide a friendly chat & information /help to link you to the right support & services in your area. We also welcome volunteers from all backgrounds. Calls can be made from the comfort of your own home. Please call 02866320230;; www.
IRISH CATHOLIC: If you are buying the Irish Catholic or any other publication in the Church, please leave the money in the Candle Shrines in front of either St Joseph’s or Our Lady’s Altars. Please do not leave money on the tables.
SINGING AT SUNDAY MASS IN ST JOSEPH'S: Everyone is most welcome to join in with the singing either from their seat or by sitting with the core group if they wish. If anyone would like to be kept up to date with Hymn plans, sheet music or any rehearsals for special ceremonies you can text Janette 07989323409 to join the WhatsApp group.
Ederney Community Development Trust (ECDT) has launched its fundraising plan recently in St Joseph’s GAA Meeting Rooms. The plan is to provide an all-purpose modern Community Hall. This is a very ambitious project which will be of enormous benefit to all ages in our community for generations to come.
The funding of this is planned in a three pronged strategy:
1. Community Fundraising;
2. Donations from grants from local Wind Farms;
3. The establishing of a loan facility, plus interest to build over a ten year period.
Information leaflets are available at all exits of the Churches.
On behalf of all in the parish we wish them well with this project.
If you wish to report a child safeguarding concern, please contact
Martha Smyth 0044 777 5507445,
Brendan Kelly 00353 42 9741383,
or Anne Molloy 0044 787941 3855 or
An Garda Síochána 00353 1 66343
PSNI 028 90650222
TUSLA 00353 47 30475
Western Health and Social Care Trust 028 7131 4090.
WITH YOU’ has launched an OVER 50s ALCOHOL HELPLINE which provides advice and support to individuals aged over 50, concerned others and professionals who are worried about their own or someone else’s drinking. Furthermore, our over 50s Alcohol Helpline continues to offer an enhanced service for individuals who are considering makingchanges to their alcohol use. Our enhanced service provision offers callers up to 4 additional appointments during which Helpline alcohol advisors use evidenced based interventions to support callers to achieve their goals. This service is available 7 days a week. The Helpline is open Monday to Friday 12pm-8pm and 10am to 4pm atweekends. The freephone number to call is 0808 801 0750. To make an online booking for a phone call or video chat, over 50’s, concerned others and professionals can access appointments slots by visiting the With You website.